As one year comes to a close and another begins, I can't help but look back and ponder what 2012 held for me. Here are some highlights from this year:
February: Valentines Day Dinner.
The guys at our school put on a Valentines Day dinner for us. They served us and made us feel really special.
Thailand! March 4-17. I got the opportunity to go on a short-term missions trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand this past March! It was a great opportunity and I learned a lot! I also got to get a feel for the Global Internship opportunity that my college offers.
Spending the day in Seoul, South Korea on the way home from Thailand! |
April: Playing in the rain and mudwith friends. :) |
May: Home for the summer! Hanging out with a few of my brothers in Canal Park, Duluth. |
June: Duluth area floods... so much water! |
July: Sweet time with Jesus on the beach. A great weekend camping with friends! |
July: In Alberta, Canada... for a wedding of some of my school friends! A beautiful day! |
August: Finally cutting my brother's hair... and giving him a mullet in the process. :) |
August: Reunited with my roommate, Cassie after the summer... :) Also becoming a sophomore at BCOM! |
August: Family camp at Trout Lake! A super fun weekend!
Working in the Kitchen at school! And getting to spend every afternoon with great people like Danielle! |
October: A wonderful fall day spent with Elana! Brett's last soccer game of the season, dinner with my family, pumpkin patch, corn maze, antiquing, driving through the country and DQ! :) |
October: Finding out that my Global Internship placement is in France! Next September, Lord willing, I'll be there! |
October: Life Group Retreat! A great weekend in Iowa at Ashley's farm! |
Thanksgiving break! And snow! Then I got strep throat and spent the rest of the time sleeping... but the first day was fun... :) |
November: First snowstorm experienced at BCOM! Finally! |
December: Christmas break! Spending time with family and friends! (This photo is me and my brother, Brett at Bentleyville, a giant light display in Duluth) |
Overall, it was a really good year, full of joy, fun, challenges, growth and changes. I'm so thankful for every minute... And excited for what God has in store for me this next year!
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