Perfect Peace

Well, it's finally starting to feel like summer in my neck of the woods... Although it's about 45 degrees at the moment. So, maybe not so much... But, the lilacs are blooming, the trees aren't naked anymore and we've had to mow the grass twice in the past few weeks! I really love summer in Duluth because it doesn't get too hot and the lake is so gorgeous... and you can actually go outside without worrying about getting frostbite. ;) 

The past few weeks I've been reading through Isaiah (one of my favorite books in the Bible). I should know by now not to be surprised when I read something and it speaks to my heart. But, I still am. Every time. God is so good! He knows just what to say when I'm the most receptive to hear it! One particular passage that spoke to me was Isaiah 26:3-4. "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever. For the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock." This is such a sweet passage and a great promise from the Lord. He keeps us in perfect peace when our mind is fixed on him. Below is a photograph I took on the North Shore along with this passage.

I love putting my photographs and the Word together. Makes it stick in my mind better. :)
Just a little update on fundraising for France... I'm currently 72% supported! Praise the Lord! That means I only need to raise the remaining 28%! The 28% I still need to raise is made up of $615 more in monthly support and about $3,500 in initial start-up funds. Thank you so much for all that have sacrificed their resources to send me to France! I'm so grateful! My goal is to be 100% supported by July 31. I leave in the beginning of September.

I'm continuing to ask you to be praying for me and my team that are going! This really is a crucial part of ministry over there. I need your prayers! :)

Peace and Joy,

Claire Faith


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