Getting Closer...
In less than 1 month, I'll be boarding a plane to Marseille, France. I have a ticket purchased and will be flying out on November 8! It's kind of crazy to think that I'll be gone for over a year! I don't think I've gone more than a month without being in Minnesota during my whole life! I'm feeling a myriad of emotions... okay, maybe not that many, but a lot anyways!
In Christ,
I'm EXCITED to live in another country and to learn more of what it is to be a missionary.
(And for French food!)
I'm APPREHENSIVE about learning another language and not being able to communicate right away.
I'm CURIOUS to see what exactly it will be like in France and what exactly I'll be involved in there.
I'm OVERWHELMED thinking about packing and wrapping everything up here.
I'm (somewhat) in DISBELIEF that we're actually going. (I don't know if I'll believe it's real even when I step off the plane!)
I'm ASTOUNDED with all that God has provided thus far! (Finances, Visa, Etc...)
I'm SAD to leave my family and friends in the states and miss everything that's happening here.
I'm HOPEFUL that God has a lot to teach me and do through me!
Well, there are some of the things running through my head lately. I'm so excited for this new adventure! Please keep me in your prayers as I prepare and am over there! Also, I am now at about 94% of my fundraising goal! I still need about $135/month OR $1,900. Thanks to all who have given and/or are praying for me! It's been really amazing to receive all of the support that I have! Thank you so much!
In Christ,
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