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Is There a Middle Ground?

 I woke up this morning and was spending some time sitting on the couch with some tea, just being still. It's a habit I'm trying to instill 🙃 in my life (and currently am not very good at it!). I want to live out of a place of "inner stillness" and internalize the verse, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) It's amazing how much the Lord speaks in these times... or rather, how much easier it is to hear Him speak.   As I sat on the couch  this morning , looking out over my snow-covered neighborhood, I felt that I needed to write out my journey with media. It seems a bit random honestly, but I'm learning that often the Lord's leading isn't a banner in the sky and is much more like a still, small voice or nudge in my spirit. So here goes...  I grew up in a conservative, Christian home. I was homeschooled for the majority of my education. Looking back, I would say that I was quite sheltered from a lot of things, but our rules on medi...

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